Now I know you think I’ve been deserting you……But

I honestly have good reason (well two actually :P)

The first one is I’ve just got back from the most amazing two weeks with my fiance in LA. It was so sad leaving him at the airport 😦 but I had an awesome time 🙂

The second is my secret squirrel that I’ve been working on for a couple of months now…I dropped hints I think in my last post. I’ve been busy working away since August and would like to announce my new website…!! I’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to make a concerted effort to change my hobby into something more (don’t worry I’m not giving up work just yet!)

There’s not much on there at the moment but I’m working away at my kitchen work top making cards… fact its taken over my life today (I only got back from the states yesterday! and yes I know that’s sad) my house has turned into a bomb site and it was so nice and tidy when I went away!!

So I’m excited and have got everything crossed that it will work! I’d love to hear what you think of it…So if you have five check it out and let me know 🙂

I’ll try to be good and update some more soon!

Nat x

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8 Responses to Now I know you think I’ve been deserting you……But

  1. Good luck! The website looks great! 🙂

  2. I bet! Let me know how it goes. I’ve been thinking of doing something similar, but I’m in the same boat (working, planning a wedding, etc.) and I know it takes a lot of time and energy!

    • knitnstitch says:

      I will do 🙂 Are you thinking of doing cards or your paintings (which I love!!!) The one you did called custom print on the 20/10 and Luna would look awesome on a Card! It does get manic though doesn’t it? When are you getting married? It is eating up masses of my time at the moment but with Nick being away I’m glad of the distraction (might sound a bit sad :P)

      • Thank you! I’ve just been thinking about putting together a more structured website for my paintings and illustrations… we’ll see 🙂 We are getting married May 21, 2011. When are you getting married? When does Nick come home?
        P.S. Great Christmas Cards!

      • knitnstitch says:

        Hey! Sorry I haven’t been around for a while unfortunately my dad passed away towards the end of last year and I haven’t really been up to making or blogging but I’m going to make a concerted effort now i’m back at work lol! Hows it going on the website front? any progress?? Cool We’re getting married on the 9th of July 2011! It’s all starting to feel a bit real now :S

        He went back today 😦 i was lucky that his commander allowed him to come home as soon as possible after Dad died so we’ve had four weeks together and he’s been great though it all!! And it helped that he could take over all the wedding stuff for a while! We’re hoping he’ll be home permenantly in March…we’ve got everything crossed!!

        I hope you had a Fab christmas and New year!! 🙂

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, Nat. If there is anything a fellow blogger friend can do…

    No website yet but I’m working on it. I’m glad to see you’re creating again! Can’t wait to see new stuff 🙂

    I hope Nick had a safe trip back.

    • knitnstitch says:

      Thanks so much for the kind words! It’s good to be back making suff again and i’ve got plenty to keep me busy….It’s worse when i’m quiet lol!

      Good stuff! Are you on folksy yet? I’m working on a few bits and pieces now but I’ve got my first wedding fayre coming up on the 6th for my wedding stationery so all my time (and money) seem to be going into that at the moment!!

      Yup he went back on the 10th and it looks like he’ll be back permenantly at the beginning of April! He’s probably going to be posted in Cosford near Birmingham so there’s a big move on the horizon for me soon! But I’m trying to bend his arm and let me open a shop up there but i’m still working on that one 😛

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